how do you know if an acting agent is legit
7 Absolutely Sure Ways to Know an Acting Agent is Legit – Or Running a

Watch this video and learn 7 absolutely sure ways to know an acting agent is legit – or running a scam.

Finding an Acting Agent is Hard

Finding a great acting agent can be hard. There are scammers who will say anything to fool us into thinking they are legit. Here are a few things to look out for when researching or meeting with an acting agent. Watch the video until the end and learn all 7 ways to know an acting agent is legit – or running a scam.

1 of 7 Absolutely Sure Ways to Know An Acting Agent is Legit – Or Running a Scam
Is The Agent Making You Promises or Guarantees

There are no guarantees in the acting world. If an agent is promising or guaranteeing you jobs or income, just ask for the money upfront. Seriously, there is no way to know if someone will get a lot of work or none.

2 of 7 Absolutely Sure Ways to Know An Acting Agent is Legit – Or Running a Scam
Is the Acting Agent Forcing You To Take Their Acting or Modeling Classes

It is one thing if an agent offers classes for both actors and models to be better prepared to have success in the industry. But, if you are told that they won’t represent you unless you take their class,
that would concern me.

3 of 7 Absolutely Sure Ways to Know An Acting Agent is Legit – Or Running a Scam
Is the Acting Agent Forcing You Have a Headshot Taken By Their Photographer

It is great if an agent brings in a great headshot photographer so the talent can have effective headshots for the agent to submit. But, it shouldn’t matter where the headshot is taken, as long as the photo catches people’s attention in a positive way. If being forced to have one taken, I would look elsewhere.

4 of 7 Absolutely Sure Ways to Know An Acting Agent is Legit – Or Running a Scam
Is the Acting Agent Demanding Upfront Fees

If the acting agent is demanding upfront fees in order to represent you, don’t walk, run away. Agents only get paid by taking a percentage from any booking their talent gets. Depending on the type of job or if the actor is in the Union (SAG-AFTRA) the agent should receive anywhere between 10-20% in commissions.

The one exception is if the agent asks the talent to pay a fee to be on their website. That is how some agents promote their talent and that is an acceptable cost.

You can learn about the other 7 absolutely sure ways to know an acting agent is legit – or running a scam by watching the video.


How to Create an Actors Business Card That Stands Out


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