I will share a few of my 5 personal stories from Tom Hanks’ film A Man Called Otto. You can learn about the others by watching the video

Tom Hanks (Otto)Saving Aaron Marcus in A Man Called Otto

My first personal story is about the unusual audition I had for the Tom Hanks’ film, A Man Called Otto. Normally, agents will submit an actor for a specific role. The casting director asked me to read for six different roles. All of the characters were standing on the train platform and had things to say after the business man falls onto the train tracks. I guess they thought I was the perfect person for that role.

2 of the 5 Personal Stories From The Tom Hanks Film A Man Called Otto

The second personal story from Tom Hanks’ film A Man Called Otto is about meeting with the director. In the script, there was no mention of what caused
me to fall onto the train tracks. I made the decision that it was from having a heart attack. When I arrived
onto the set, I was able to meet with the director to discuss the reason for my fall. He agreed with me, that a heart attack was the cause. Fortunately, I had done my research and learned what it looks like
when someone is having a heart attack.

3 of the 5 Personal Story From The Tom Hanks Film A Man Called Otto

The third personal story I want to share here is about my stunt. I was told that there would be a stunt double for me. It was around an 8 foot drop from the platform to the train tracks. I watched my stunt double do the fall twice. He was great. Later in the day, I was asked if I was comfortable doing the fall. I said yes. With training from the stunt coordinator and a few of the stunt artists, I felt comfortable enough to do the fall from the train platform. I discuss the experience in greater detail in the video.

Great to Share My Personal Stories From Working With Tom Hanks

It was so wonderful getting a chance to work and spend a few days with such a talented and more importantly an incredibly kind man. And, so happy to be able to share my personal stories with you.


If you have have ever worked with a well known actor, share your experiences in the comment section of the YouTube Channel page.

Another Helpful Video to Watch

1 Thing Actors Need to Do to Have a Better Audition
Click Here to Watch


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