There are a number of ways you can turn down an acting or modeling job.
But, there are some ways that work better than others.

Some actors and models turn down jobs because they don’t like
the script, the ad campaign, content, or because
it doesn’t pay enough. Those are all legitimate reasons not to
accept a booking. But, you want to be very careful with
how you turn it down.

Everyone Has An Ego

If you tell the writer that his or her script is written poorly,
how to fix the story line or tell someone
that it does not pay enough, they will remember you – but
in a negative way.

Although this is a big industry, in many ways it can be small.
Especially, with the use of social media. It is easy to get
slammed by someone who didn’t appreciate you telling
them that their work was not worthy of your consideration.

All of that might be true, but, there is no need to enter that
negative place.

Here is how to handle this situation

This is such a simple solution to a potentially hazardous situation.
Use these 4 words. “Sorry, I’m Not Available.”
That’s all. As with all acting, less is more. Don’t get into
why. You just are not available and leave it at that.

This is a great way to handle a potentially dangerous situation
that could get ugly.

If you have any suggestions for other ways to turn down a job,
please share it here.

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Can’t wait to talk with you again soon.

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