I was asked to find actors for a company that was shooting a video. I noticed 3 things that some actors did that hurt their chances of booking the job. I will share them with you in this video.

Don’t get locked out of a potential booking by doing the wrong things

3 Things That Will Help You Book Your Audition

  1. If you are shooting a home audition, send it back to the casting director as quickly as possible. If you wait until the actual deadline, the project might have already been cast.
  2. Properly label your video file. A number of people did not follow my directions. Instead of writing their First Name_Last Name and Phone Number, they just wrote audition, or the date. Since people did not slate, there was not an easy way for me to identify them.
  3. Make sure you have contact information on your resume. Some people had their name and credits, but no way for me to easily get back in touch with them. If you are working with an agent who does not want your personal information on a resume out of concern that you will deal directly with the client, then at least have your agent’s information.

    Leave a comment below to let me and others know if you have ever done one of these 3 things. Or, if there are things that you do that helps your chances of booking a job.

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    Want to watch another helpful Acting and Modeling Quick Tip Video?
    Don’t Be Fooled By the 1 Line Audition. They Can Be Hard

    Have topics you want me to discuss in future videos, just email them to me: aaron@howtoactandmodel.com

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