Learn and Avoid the 10 Audition Mistakes Actors Make That Casting Directors Hate
Below you will find the 10 audition mistakes actors make that casting directors hate. You will see that some of the mistakes are very easily fixed. And, some of the other audition mistakes might not be easily known by actors who are just getting started in the industry.
Respond On Time
1. Make sure you respond to your agent or casting director even if you are not going to shoot the audition. And, make sure the audition gets uploaded on time.
Make Sure You Are Right For the Role
2. Don’t submit for roles that aren’t right for you. If the description is clearly not your type, pass on the audition.
Always Have a Reader
3. Always have a reader and make sure they can be heard, don’t overpower your voice, and if they are not an actor, ask them to read the lines “dead.”
Sound and Lighting Must Be Good
4. Make sure your lighting and sound are clear and sharp. Don’t have shadows or things in the background that are distracting the casting director from looking at you. The sound needs to be very clear so you are easily understood (as well as the reader.)
Shoot Your Audition In A Horizontal Format
5. Always shoot your film and TV audition horizontally. This is how directors view films and watch TV, so allow them to see you audition in that format.
Edit Your Audition Properly
6. Always edit the beginning and end of the audition so people only see the audition. Don’t allow them to view you getting prepared or stopping the recording of the audition.
Follow The CD’s Instructions
7. Follow the casting directors instructions and slate exactly how you were instructed. One tip that you will see in the video is: instead of saying I am reading for the role of ???, instead say you are that character. For example, “My name is Aaron Marcus and reading for the role of Dr. Barnes.” Instead, try, “My name is Aaron Marcus, and I am Dr. Barnes.”
Beware Of Social Mistakes
8. If you are in a casting directors office, don’t offer to shake their hand. Not everyone likes that and as you will see in the video, I learned that the hard way.
Your Wardrobe is Important
9. Don’t wear costumes for the character you are reading for. If your character is a police officer, don’t wear a uniform. Instead, imply the look by wearing a blue shirt. This can be insulting to the casting director.
Don’t Mime During An Audition
10. Don’t mime during your audition. People will stop watching your performance and begin looking at your mime technique. You can indicate things with your body language.
Do You Know About Any Audition Mistakes?
If you have ever made an audition mistake or know of any, share your experience in the comment section of the YouTube Channel page.
Another Helpful Video to Watch
7 Unbelievably ways to Prepare Before Your Next Audition For Powerful Results
Click Here to Watch
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