You Won’t Believe the Booking I Had
A few weeks ago I received an email from a promotional company. They normally hire people to hand out items in stores or bring people to a booth at a convention. This one was different, and you won’t believe the booking I had.
I Did a Similar Job Many Years Ago
Many years ago I was hired to be a live model for a company that created a new and sophisticated heart monitor. All I did for 2 days was lie down and have connections placed on my heart, so people could see how amazing this new machine worked. That was a great job.
This acting job was similar. A company created a new transfusion machine for people whose kidneys were failing. I spent 3 hours each day (for 3 days) laying down in a special chair that people use when having a transfusion, and that was all I did.
The connections were just taped to my arm. I did not have any IV’s placed into my skin. The tubes had red paint that looked like blood and the machine was moving as if I was on dialysis.
There were many things I could have done. People on dialysis will sometimes read, or spend time on their phone. I had a different idea.
They hired me because they believed (and they were right) that a real person would bring many more people to the booth than just having a plastic model. As people came by, the sales people would begin asking questions, get contact information for follow up calls and talk about the product.
I Wanted to Be a Team Player
I thought that if I had my eyes closed, people might think I was actually having dialysis, or perhaps if they far enough away, they might not know if I was real. My job was to help the sales people. So, I did not interact with people, made sure no one knew for sure if I was real until they walked up next to me.
If they asked if I was actually having a treatment, I would let them know that I was not. Or, when a few people touched my arm to see if I was a human, I did open my eyes (and scared a number of people,) but otherwise, I just kept my eyes closed for 3 hours at a stretch.
It Felt Like a Long Meditation
It was so nice to just close my eyes, sometime listen to what was being said by the sales people or just take in the sounds of the event. I could hear music from other booths, other people talking to each other or sometimes
I would just allow myself to take in the energy of this huge gathering. And, sometimes I would sleep!
It was a wonderful experience for so many reasons. And, the job paid well.
The other great part was that everyone from the company was so nice. They would check in on me to make sure I was comfortable, and I got a chance to learn a lot more about dialysis and how it truly keeps so many people alive.
I also learned that for any job, we are all team players. On a film, there are hundreds of people on the team. Each person has an important job, and our goal is to make the project better. Even if it means sleeping on the job!
You never know what types of experiences you might have in this industry. This was a great one.
Let me know if you ever had an unusual job. Share it with others below.
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