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Answer This 1 Question and Your Career Can Change

April 19, 2017 0 Comments

I just returned from giving some workshops in Johannesburg, South Africa and got the chance to watch many many talented people perform.

I Saw Some Really Sweet Kitty’s

I am also so fortunate to having been asked to give a workshop today in St. Louis, at an incredible international photographers convention.

What I have learned by having watched and mentored thousands of talent over the years is that in order to have success, you need to answer this one question.

Who Are You?
(My current headshot)

Everyone is unique. Everyone has something special offer. All actors and models need to figure out how they can realistically get cast.

Do you have the look of the leading man or woman?

Are you the stars best friend?

Would you get cast in an ad as the mom, teacher, doctor, bully, smart student or real estate agent?

Without knowing how you can realistically get cast, then you won’t know how to create the right photos that will put you in those categories.

My strength is being the “regular” guy.

With that information, I have created photos that put me in that category which allows me to be submitted for those types of roles.

So, figure out your type. It is the most important question you need to answer.

Get Feedback on Your Photos

Post a photo of yourself on my page and let us know how you think you should be cast. I will be more than happy to post my thoughts about your photo as well

Feel free to share this with all of your friends on social media and have them submit their photos as well.

Looking forward to talking with you again soon.


About the Author:

Aaron Marcus has been a full-time actor and commercial model for over 36 years. His new book, How to Become a Successful Actor and Model is an Amazon Best Seller. Aaron has given his seminar: "Book the Job" over 800 times spanning 3 continents. He also offers online workshops. Aaron saves 5 days each month to give private on-line coaching sessions. Subscribe to his Acting and Modeling Quick Tips Channel and have free access to 270 + videos <a

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